Goals for Twenty-Six


I feel like I spend every year vowing to straighten myself out. And I guess I’m going to spend this year doing the same. I want twenty-six to be filled with doing things that are going to get me somewhere.

♥ Go somewhere during vacation time. Whether it’s New Mexico, California, Italy or South Korea, GO SOMEWHERE. (And maybe just stay there. I can come back some other time…)

♥ Make a huge dent in the money situation. I don’t feel like I need to further explain that on here.

♥ Lose weight. Set amount is not important to this blog at this moment of time.

♥ Complete a novel. (My NaNo story?) And at least three short stories. Submit them places.

♥ Develop a weekly yoga habit and stick to it. I really did feel better while I was practicing.

♥ Take steps toward finding a career, whether it be getting a certificate to teach English as a Second Language, applying for grad school or something else.
