For the Love of Blogs

I entered the world of blogging in 2000 armed with nothing but my own version of teenage angst, a love of Hanson and the knowledge that I wanted to be a writer. Since then I’ve met many amazing people. I’ve moved from Open Diary to Blurty to Xanga to Livejournal, following friends or sometimes they followed me. I shared a love of all things word related, gained a connection to amazing people. My life wouldn’t be the same without those people.
Figment Literary Journal – Ashley Lorelle no longer blogs, but she’s in the process of launching a literary journal. Visit the site, submit some projects. I’ll write more about this later, but for now she couldn’t go unmentioned, the experiences that mean a to to her and everything else.
The Good Groupie – “They don’t know what it’s like to love one band, one silly peice of music so much that it hurts.” – Almost Famous. The Good Groupie, oh she knows. She writes about the music that means a lot to her.
Girls Like Words  – a return to personal blogging, Miranda just added one more project to her writing agenda. She describes herself as,”being the Carrie Bradshaw of the suburbs, writing about daily adventures as a magazine editor, life lessons still in the learning process…and the constant quest for the perfect faux snake skin bag.”
Kirstin is living in Norway with her husband. She’s taking weedgie classes, just got her Norwegian driver’s license and writes about her love of literature.
Kate  mostly makes sporadic Things I Love Thursday posts. I’ve known her since the days of AOL when I sent out chapters of a novel via e-mail as I wrote them. Kate would bug me to write more. So I am bugging her to do the same: write more!
Erica  writes about her married life in Indiana. The Canadian native has been blogging for at least as long as I have, she’s another I met through Open Diary way back in the day.