Halloween 2011

No one ever comes to our house to trick or treat. And I kind of have no reason to dress up this year.

But I wore festive socks to work today.

And I plan on watching a festive movie. (Though I can’t find my Coraline DVD so that’s out).

Last year I was Luna Lovegood. This year I was going to be Hello Kitty (love my headband?).

Last night I went on a Ghost Train ride at a place in my town. It was fun to ride through the woods in the dark and hear historical stories (whether or not they’re real stories, I’m not really sure).

How’s your Halloween looking?

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark and other Festive Goodness

Have you guys noticed that it’s fall? I mean, we’re already a month in and I haven’t made 200 posts about my favorite season yet. Obviously I’m falling behind!

That being said, everything I was going to post about, I’ve pretty much already posted about last year. So without making this a cop-out post, I’ll write about the last scary movie I saw.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

I’m a huge fan of Guillermo Del Toro’s work (Pan’s Labyrinth and The Orphanage) so when I saw there was a new moving coming out that Del Toro wrote the screen play for (and also produced) I knew I had to see it right away. Unfortunately, it took me until this past weekend to see it, long after the movie was out of most theaters.

Sally has been sent to live with her father in Rhode Island in a house he’s remodeling with his interior design girlfriend. Sally thinks she’s just there for a visit, and when she learns she’s there to live, she becomes even more upset. She begins to feel she is unwanted. And then she starts to hear whispering of her name. The whispers tell her they want her to play with them. They lure her into the basement so she can free them.

Once Sally tries to befriend the source of the whispers she soon realizes their intentions aren’t pure.

I’m terrible at summarizing so I’m going to stop there. I enjoyed this movie. It wasn’t terribly scary (to me at least) but it was haunting and enchanting and it definitely pulled me in. It’s something to watch that’s festive but not just a cheap thrills murder story.

Moving on, my greatest complaint about Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark is the creatures they used. I hoped the movie would be more ghost/spirit based (though by the end of the movie I had less complaints about that factor because it does rework itself so that the creatures aren’t really random).

If you’re looking for suggestions for other Halloween movies (though none of them are really horror stories) here are the ones I can’t do without.

If you’re looking for more fall reading, be sure to check out last years posts:

Easiest Pumpkin Cupcakes Ever
An Open Letter to Daylight Savings
Fall in Massachusetts Part 1
Fall in Massachusetts Part 2

Adventures of Luna Lovegood… Halloween Style

Last night I went to a Halloween party channeling Luna Lovegood, one of my absolutely favourite characters from Harry Potter. I love her because she’s strange and different. She stands out, which makes it so she doesn’t have many friends. But she’s loyal and kind. She’s adorable and spacey. In the Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, the movie, she cares more about her pudding than getting back her shoes.
And now for my interpretation. I was wearing radish earrings, but I’m not sure how visible they are in any of these pictures…

Festive Halloween Movies I Can’t Do Without


Sure I love horror movies, but during the Halloween season I’m more prone to watching those that aren’t going for cheap thrills or scary story-lines. I’d rather watch movies that are nostalgic from my childhood, or slightly newer ones (that are maybe reminiscent of older movies). When I worked at Blockbuster, we played Halloween movies for the entire month of October, it never got old! Here are some movies I love to watch every year:

Nightmare Before Christmas – There’s nothing like Jack & Sally and a good round of “Kidnap the Sandy-claws” to bring in the Halloween spirit. I saw this in 3D a couple years ago, it was fun!

Coraline – from the same visionary director as Nightmare Before Christmas (though NOT Tim Burton, whom a lot of people seem to think directed this movie) comes a movie about a girl who finds an alternate universe on the other side of the door of her new home. The Other-Mom is so awesome! Until… maybe she isn’t. This is based on the book by Neil Gaiman, and it’s a fun movie to watch!

Halloweentown – Sure I’m guilty of watching Disney Channel movies, probably more often than I’d like to admit to. But I have to admit to not changing the channel when any of these movies are playing.

Hocus Pocus – Classic Halloween nostalgia right here. I have nothing more to say except that I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine…

Rocky Horror Picture Show – Who doesn’t love dancing the time warp with some sweet transvestites? I really want to see this in a theater, but I really don’t need the big Virgin label put on me…

Harry Potter. I know these aren’t Halloween movies, but ABC Family seems to think they can get away with playing Harry Potter for entire weekends at a time around Halloween and Christmas time. I love when they do this!

What movies do you love to watch this time of year?
