Curious Tuesday 08.17.10

It’s Tuesday, so that means it’s time for curiosity to take over, I answer Gala Darling’s five questions of the week and you can, too!

1. How do you feel about marriage as a concept? Realistic? Romantic? A pipe-dream?
I don’t know, marriage to me is realistic and romantic, but I think it’s for certain people and it shouldn’t be regarded as an expectation for anyone. I think it’s a wonderful concept, but many people rush into it because, well, for whatever reason.

2. Do you think you’ll ever want to get married?
Maybe, but it won’t be the end of the world. I would absolutely have to meet the right person, and I would have to know that this was someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. This would require me being with (and living with!) this person for quite some time before ever coming to such a conclusion.

3. If you did get married, would you want a big blow-out celebration or would you keep it low-key?
I don’t know. I  love parties, but I don’t feel it’s necessary for a wedding to be huge. Why? Because I’d rather spend quality time with people I love. Also I’d rather be able to afford an amazing small wedding than try to be cheap in order to accommodate too many people.

4. If you are married now, how has that changed your relationship?

5. If you’re married, how did you celebrate it? Knowing what you know now, would you have done it differently?

<3. Melanie.Kristy

Curious Tuesday

Each Tuesday Gala Darling posts five questions to her readers to answer, this is my attempt to participate 🙂

1. What is your style direction for the upcoming season? Style? Ummm. I don’t really think about my style until I’m standing inside a clothing store wishing I had the funds to do so. I would really like to think more about this, but at the time it’s not a priority.

2. What is your favourite song right now? Hanson – Give A Little. It’s sensuous, upbeat and has a dirty double meaning 😉

3. What’s your best love advice? I’m the last person to give love advice, but if we lived in a perfect world I would say: believe in love and be willing to let your heart get broken.

4. Who is the most exciting person you’ve met recently? My cousin’s kid Natalie is full of life and adventure. She’s three years old and recently had me running all over my house playing with bubbles, chalk and silly bandz. My room is a mess and I told her that before letting her in and go figure about an hour later she goes up to my mom and says, “Want to see the messy room?”

5. Are you doing anything wonderful this week? What is it? I am partying with Olga on Saturday (between work shifts, that is). Hopefully I am seeing my best friend from childhood, Jen. And I’m also hoping to make it to yoga tomorrow night. All wonderful.



Curious Tuesday 1

I promise to get on with real writing soon. I’ve been working on the writing, slowly, I just need to bring it all today. In the mean time, it’s Tuesday which means that Gala Darling posts her Curious Tuesday questions and I am here to answer them!

1. Where do you find inspiration? In novels and song lyrics, squishy pillows and children rolling down hills. Inspiration is tucked inside tea cups and hiding behind trees. It’s found in the glitter in the air, the salt in the Atlantic and the dots on Lady Bugs wings.
2. Have you got any hobbies or interests you’ve let lapse and wish you would take up again? I have so many fleeting interests, I’ve had the tendency to overwhelm myself with them. The ones that stand out are photography and scrap booking. I used to alter clothing and make jewelry. And I need to reclaim my interest in writing.
3. One tea party. Ten invitations. Who do you invite? Francesa Lia Block, the girl that plays Luna Lovegood, Kate Nash, Zooey Deschanel,  Elvis, Neil Gaiman, Heath Ledger, my dog Chance, Ari’s kid Trent in six years (age eight), Lee Pace.
4. Who was your favourite teacher at school and why? Mrs. Marzelli was my eleventh grade English teacher. She taught an AP writing/ literature class and often we would do yoga at the beginning of class. I learned a lot about writing that year, things that won’t leave me, and without that I don’t think I’d be where I am right now. Also, after the AP test we had childhood regression day, which was probably one of the most fun days in high school — old toys and games and food. Mrs. Marzelli suffered from breast cancer for most of my junior year, but, as far as I know, she is in recovery.
5. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? When I was fourteen I had a long distance boyfriend for two weeks. Other than that, I’ve had many long distance friendships which, in ways, can be just as difficult and rewarding.
❤ Melanie. Kristy