Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

I’m not going to spend a lot of time reviewing this movie because honestly I think that if you’re reading this, you’ve already seen it, or you’re going to see it. Your mind is already made up. Instead I’m just going spend my time expressing my opinion, and I’d love to hear yours.

This was absolutely my favourite Harry Potter movie. Hands down, without a doubt. When I finished reading Deathly Hallows, I knew it was my new favourite. And I feel that was about this movie, also. It was brilliant. The scenes were breathtaking. I cried and laughed and squealed/ clapped excitedly upon the sight of certain characters (Snape, Luna, Dobby…). I found the acting intense, the scenes were everything

Some things I missed from the books that I know aren’t 100% necessary to the movie:

* The Lupin/ Tonks storyline. Also the scene with Harry and Lupin fighting

* Kreacher doing all he could to help Harry, Ron and Hermione (The book made me feel very fond of Kreacher, I would have liked to see that)

* More explanation on the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, especially since he’s mentioned a few times in relation to Dumbledore (for example when Hermione points out that he’s in the book Rita Skeeter wrote). Maybe that’s coming in the second movie.

* Why didn’t they explain that saying Voldemort triggers snatchers to know where you are? I was fine with them not explaining that, except that Harry goes from saying Voldemort to calling him “You-Know-Who” which is completely uncharacteristic of Harry and that wasn’t explained. I feel they could have fixed this without explaining the trigger by Harry just saying “he”. We all know who he is.

Did you see Deathly Hallows? Do you intend to? What are your thoughts?
